Former BONUSBaby Dayun Announces Pregnancy and Marriage

Former BonusBaby Dayun Announces Pregnancy and Marriage

Kim Dayun, Ex-BonusBaby Star, Weds and Announces Pregnancy

Dayun, the former main vocalist of the girl group BonusBaby, has shared exciting personal news. 

The 24-year-old has revealed that she recently got married and is expecting her first child. 

Born in Incheon, South Korea, Dayun has always been admired for her talent and charm.

She studied at Induk University, focusing on Broadcasting Entertainment, and was known for her dedication as a trainee starting in July 2016. 

Fans may also remember her appearance on the reality show MIXNINE.

With an older brother and a love for the colour blue, Dayun’s down-to-earth personality shone through her career. 

As she embarks on this new chapter, fans worldwide are sending their heartfelt congratulations.

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