From Nogizaka46 to AKB48: Idols Celebrate Seijin Shiki 2025

From Nogizaka46 to AKB48: Idols Celebrate Seijin Shiki

Several J-Pop idols celebrated their transition to adulthood by participating in the traditional Coming of Age Day ceremony (Seijin Shiki) on January 13. 

The event, a major milestone in Japanese culture, symbolises the journey into adulthood. 

Although the legal age of adulthood was lowered to 18 in 2022, Seijin Shiki is typically celebrated in the year young women turn 20.

The idols wore elegant kimonos and visited temples, expressing gratitude and praying for future success. 

At Nogi Teme, Nogizaka46 members Tsutsui Ayame and Inoue Nagi participated, radiating elegance.

In Osaka, NMB48 idols, including Izumi Ayano and Nishijima Rio, gathered at Osaka Tenmangu Temple. 

Meanwhile, AKB48 members, such as Suzuki Kurumi and Sato Airi, visited Kanda Myojin Shrine in Tokyo.

STU48 idols prayed at Hiroshima Gokoku, and SKE48 representatives celebrated at Atsuta-Jingu in Nagoya. 

HKT48 members, despite Matsumoto Uhara’s hiatus due to illness, marked the occasion at Sumiyoshi Temple.

Seijin Shiki remains a cherished tradition, blending modern celebrations with ancient rituals, showcasing Japan’s enduring cultural pride.

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