Fuji TV Faces Ad Pullout Amid Talent Scandal Fallout

Fuji TV Faces Ad Pullout Amid Talent Scandal Fallout

On January 18th, Nippon Life Insurance and Toyota Motor Corporation announced their decision to suspend commercials on Fuji TV temporarily. 

This move follows reports of a scandal involving TV talent Masahiro Nakai and a woman, with allegations pointing to the involvement of a Fuji TV employee.

Other major companies, including NTT East Japan, Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance, and Aflac Life Insurance, have joined the growing trend of reviewing advertising on the channel. 

Concerns about potential damage to corporate reputations prompted these decisions.

From the 19th, Nippon Life will replace its commercials during "Chidori's Oni Renchan" and "Mr. Sunday" with those from AC Japan. 

Further changes will affect "Mezamashi TV" starting on the 20th. Meiji Yasuda also confirmed a halt to its advertising.

Fuji TV President Koichi Minato apologised at a press conference on the 17th for the concerns caused and announced the launch of an external investigation committee to examine the involvement of employees in the incident.

The controversy has significantly impacted the station's corporate partnerships, reflecting the importance of reputation management for advertisers.

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