Gillian Chung's Weight Change Sparks Debate

Gillian Chung's Weight Change Sparks Debate

Hong Kong star Gillian Chung Ka-lai, a member of the iconic duo Twins, has long been celebrated for her flawless beauty in the entertainment world. 

However, hormonal changes caused noticeable transformations in her figure, sparking widespread discussion.

When the Twins launched their concert tour last September, fans noted Gillian Chung's fuller physique. 

Her bandmate, Charlene Choi, responded, emphasising the importance of Gillian's happiness and health.

Gillian Chung’s Weight Gain Sparks Concern

Recently, a video from their Singapore concert showed Gillian performing "Nu Ren Wei" in a short dress and knee-high boots. 

Fans observed her figure appeared fuller compared to Charlene's, prompting mixed reactions online.

Many recalled Gillian's January performance in Hong Kong, where she wore the same costume, appearing slimmer and fitter. 

Despite her current fuller figure, Gillian Chung's radiant charm remains unchanged.

One fan remarked, “She’s been thin and plump, but never unattractive.” 

While admirers celebrated her beauty, some expressed concern over potential health issues causing her weight change.

As discussions continue, Gillian remains an enduring symbol of grace, inspiring fans with her resilience and timeless appeal.

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