GNZ48 Announces Trainee Promotions to All Teams

GNZ48 Announces Trainee Promotions to All Teams

GNZ48 Team NIII to Debut 4th Stage This Summer 2025 and Announces Trainee Promotions to All Teams

GNZ48 announced that Team NIII will debut their 4th original stage in summer 2025. 

The announcement came during the January 21st Spring Festival stage, marking an exciting chapter for the group.

Additionally, several trainee promotions were revealed. 

Ding JiaXin (15th gen), Xu YongYi (17th gen), and Lin Zhi (3rd gen) have joined Team Z. Lin Zhi makes a triumphant return after a previous demotion.

Promotions to Team NIII include Bai JiaYuan, Wang QueDieWu, Xu ZhengZiYing (17th gen), Xu HanJing, Zhao WenFeng (16th gen), Lv SiQi (9th gen), and Shi ZhuJun (8th gen), who also returns after a demotion.

For Team G, Bao YuXin, Lei RuiYan, Tang Guo (17th gen), and Kong Yuan (16th gen) have joined the roster.

With their 4th original stage on the horizon, GNZ48 continues to captivate fans. Congratulations to all the promoted members!

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