Hello! Project 2024 Audition Ends Without New Members

Hello! Project 2024 Audition Ends Without New Members

Hello! Project has officially announced that the "Hello! Project New Member Audition 2024" concluded with no successful applicants in either the "Hello! Project" or "BEYOOOOONDS Potential" categories. 

Despite this outcome, the organisation revealed that new trainees will join the Hello! Project trainee programme, with more details to be announced soon.

The audition saw participation from many hopeful candidates, but after rigorous evaluations, no one met the required standards. 

In their official statement, Hello! Project expressed gratitude to all participants and encouraged them to try again in future auditions.

The group reassured fans that they remain committed to finding fresh talent and promised more opportunities in the future. 

Fans are also encouraged to keep supporting Hello! Project as they continue to nurture new talent.

This announcement marks a significant moment as it highlights the high standards upheld by Hello! Project in their search for new members. More updates about the new trainees are eagerly anticipated by fans worldwide.

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