Hello! Project to Stream Classic Hits

Hello! Project to Stream Classic Hits

Hello! Project Classics Hit Streaming Services

Hello! Project has announced that fans can soon enjoy classic tracks from Berryz Kobo, ℃-ute, and other iconic artists on streaming platforms. 

From 3 January 2025, a selection of past songs by beloved groups such as Melon Kinebi, Buono!, and Hello! Project All Stars will be made available.

Solo works like Erina Mano’s hits and songs by Kirari Tsukishima starring Koharu Kusumi (Morning Musume) will also feature in the catalogue. 

Additionally, tracks from units like MilkyWay, Kirari☆Pika, Guardians 4, and Shugo Chara Egg will be accessible.

The release celebrates Hello! Project’s rich musical legacy, offering a nostalgic trip for long-time fans and a chance for new listeners to discover these gems. 

Note that streaming availability may vary slightly across platforms.

Fans worldwide are thrilled to relive their favourite moments from these legendary acts as their music makes its grand digital debut.

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