Hibi Nicori Departs iLiFE! Over Rule Violations

Hibi Nicori Departs iLiFE! Over Rule Violations

On January 12, iLiFE! management announced the sudden departure of 18-year-old member Hibi Nicori due to "serious violations of the terms of service." 

The specific details of the breach were not disclosed. 

Known previously as Runa Tsukiusagi and Runa Asai in other groups, Nicori Hibi issued a public apology via her X account, expressing regret for her actions.

“I deeply apologise for the trouble and betrayal I’ve caused. I want to reflect on how my actions have hurt fans and others,” she stated.

Four days earlier, member Mai Hanase also left the group without a formal graduation. 

Hanase's departure had been announced in November. Despite these changes, iLiFE! plans to continue with its current lineup. Fans remain concerned but hopeful for the group’s future.

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