HKT48’s 18th Single Earns Platinum from RIAJ

HKT48’s 18th Single Earns Platinum from RIAJ

The Recording Industry Association of Japan (RIAJ) has awarded Platinum certification to HKT48’s 18th single, Boku wa Yatto Kimi wo Shinpai Dekiru

This achievement comes as the single surpassed sales of 250,000 copies in 2024, cementing the group’s position in the industry.

Meanwhile, AKB48’s 10th album received Gold certification from the RIAJ for exceeding 100,000 sales. 

This milestone highlights the ongoing success of the AKB48 group franchise, which continues to dominate Japan’s music charts.

RIAJ is the governing body responsible for recognising music sales milestones in Japan. 

Its certification system is based on physical and digital sales thresholds. 

For singles, Platinum certification is awarded for sales exceeding 250,000 copies, while Gold is granted for those surpassing 100,000. 

Albums have similar thresholds but include streaming equivalents.

HKT48’s latest recognition showcases the group’s enduring popularity, contributing significantly to Japan’s idol culture. 

With this success, both HKT48 and AKB48 maintain their prominent status in the music scene.

RIAJ certifications not only celebrate sales but also underline the impact of Japanese artists in the global music industry.

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