Huang Zitao Loses 2M Followers After Car Giveaway

Huang Zitao Loses 2M Followers After Car Giveaway

Huang Zitao Loses Millions of TikTok Followers

Chinese singer and actor Huang Zitao has seen a sharp decline in followers on Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok, following his car giveaway campaign.

Reports reveal the former EXO member’s follower count has dropped by over two million. 

This comes after Huang deleted all videos related to the giveaway, which initially boosted his followers to over 30 million.

On the night of 10 January, Huang’s followers peaked at 45 million. 

However, by 7 PM the following day, the number had fallen to 43.56 million, marking a decrease of over one million in just 24 hours.

The campaign, which involved a live stream where fans could win cars through a lottery, initially generated significant buzz. 

Fans and netizens have since expressed confusion and concern over the removal of the videos and the rapid follower loss.

The drastic drop has sparked debates online, with some speculating on potential controversies or mismanagement, while others blame fleeting trends in fan loyalty. 

Huang Zitao has yet to comment publicly on the situation.

Observers note the unpredictable nature of social media fame, where a single event can sway public perception. For now, Huang Zitao remains silent as the numbers continue to plummet.

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