Ishikawa Marina Wins Miss Japan 2025 Grand Prix

Ishikawa Marina Wins Miss Japan 2025 Grand Prix

Ishikawa Marina Wins Miss Japan 2025 Grand Prix

The 57th Miss Japan Contest crowned 19-year-old Ishikawa Marina as its Grand Prix winner on 27 January in Tokyo. 

Marina, a first-year student at Ferris University’s Faculty of Letters, also received the Miss Kimono award, achieving a remarkable double victory.

As the niece of renowned singer Ishikawa Sayuri, Marina's win drew significant attention. 

Ishikawa Marina Wins Miss Japan 2025 Grand Prix

Overwhelmed with tears, she expressed gratitude to her mother for unwavering support, stating, “She helped with everything, from health management to outfit preparation.” 

Marina Ishikawa aims to represent the hopes of young people while contributing to society through her role.

Ishikawa Marina Wins Miss Japan 2025 Grand Prix

Miss Japan, established in 1950, celebrates not only physical beauty but also personality, intellect, and social skills, striving to produce individuals who inspire vitality and progress in Japan. 

This year’s contest finalists included aspiring professionals from various backgrounds, such as students, designers, and scientists, highlighting the diversity of talent in the competition.

Other winners included Osaka’s Takasaka Miyu as Water Angel, Nagano’s Sazuka Kokoro as Green Ambassador, and Chiba’s Takahashi Ayano as Miss Marine Day. 

The event remains one of Japan’s most historic beauty pageants, with a legacy of fostering future leaders and contributors in multiple fields.

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