Nogizaka46's Iwamoto Renka Pauses Amid Dating Scandal

Iwamoto Renka Pauses Amid Dating Scandal

Nogizaka46 member Iwamoto Renka has announced her hiatus from the group following a dating scandal that has captured attention online. 

Photos of Remtan with her boyfriend recently surfaced on social media, sparking intense discussions among fans and the public.

Iwamoto Renka Boyfriend Dating Issue

The scandal is particularly significant as J-Pop idols like Renka are bound by a "love-ban" rule, which strictly prohibits them from engaging in romantic relationships. 

This policy is intended to maintain their image as approachable and dedicated performers.

As a result of the controversy, Renka will also miss the group's "Real Meet & Greet" event at Makuhari Messe, scheduled for January 26th, 2025.

Rentan apologised to her fans and expressed regret over the situation. 

Nogizaka46's management stated they are reviewing the issue and will support Renka Iwamoto during her hiatus. 

The incident highlights the pressure idols face in balancing their personal lives and professional expectations in the entertainment industry.

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