Iwanami Yuka Announces Graduation from NMB48

Iwanami Yuka Announces Graduation from NMB48

Iwanami Yuka, a 10th-generation Kenkyuusei of NMB48, has officially announced her graduation from the group today. 

Her final performance will be the Saraba Junjou stage setlist, scheduled for 28 February 2025. 

Until then, she will continue participating in NMB48 activities, including the upcoming NMB48 Cultural Winter Festival 2025 and the 30th single handshake event for Ganbaranuwai on 23 February.

In her statement, Yuka Iwanami apologised for the sudden announcement but expressed gratitude for her six-month journey with NMB48. 

She shared that the experience allowed her to learn, reflect on her future, and ultimately decide to pursue a new path. 

She thanked her fellow members, senior idols, staff, and fans for their support, saying, "I have many dreams I want to achieve, and I will work towards them one by one."

The group’s management also expressed appreciation for Iwanami’s contribution, acknowledging her efforts in bringing smiles to fans despite her short tenure. 

Fans who wish to send letters or gifts can do so until 28 February. 

Ticket details for her final stage will be announced later via the official blog and FANY Ticket.

With her departure set, Iwanami Yuka's journey with NMB48 is nearing its final chapter. 

However, her heartfelt message suggests that this is just the beginning of a new adventure. Fans are encouraged to support her in this next phase of her life.

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