J-Pop Group selfish Responds to Violent Incident at Fan Meeting

selfish Responds to Violent Incident at Fan Meeting

Japanese idol group selfish has reported a violent incident at their cheki event on 26 January 2025. 

A man who had previously been banned from attending this J-Pop group activities arrived at the venue and assaulted a photography staff member.

The group swiftly addressed the matter, consulting with the police and promising to take strict measures against the attacker. 

In their official statement, selfish apologised to fans who attended the event, expressing deep regret for the situation and any distress it caused.

“We are committed to ensuring a safe environment for our supporters and staff. We will continue working to prevent such incidents in the future,” the statement read.

selfish, which debuted in October 2023, follows the concept of "swimming freely," with each member having a unique shade of blue as their representative colour. 

Despite the incident, the group remains focused on their current/upcoming activities and dedicated to their fans.

The selfish management assured that security measures would be reinforced to prevent similar occurrences, urging fans to continue their support while prioritising safety at future events.

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