JAPANARIZM Introduces Three New Members for 2025 Debut

JAPANARIZM Introduces Three New Members for 2025 Debut

JAPANARIZM (ジャパナリズム), a Japanese festival music-themed idol group, has announced three new members, Saotome Yuu, Kumada Natsu, and Amane Mikoto, who will make their debut on 10 February 2025. 

Each member brings a unique charm to the group, with Saotome Yuu representing the colour pink, Kumada Natsu in blue, and Amane Mikoto in orange.

Saotome Yuu, born on 18 September, hails from Osaka. Kumada Natsu, a native of Chiba Prefecture, was born on 15 July. 

Meanwhile, Amane Mikoto, from Saitama Prefecture, celebrates her birthday on 30 August. 

Fans can follow their individual journeys on their respective Twitter accounts.

Mikoto Amane: @mikoto_japanari

Yuu Saotome: @yuu_japanarizm

Natsu Kumada: @natsu_japanari

Their debut performance is set to take place at Shinjuku ReNY, a venue known for hosting iconic moments in the idol industry. 

Tickets are already creating a buzz, with fans eagerly anticipating the trio’s introduction to JAPANARIZM's vibrant world.

Formed on 24 May 2016, the group has continued to captivate audiences with their unique fusion of festival-inspired sounds and energetic stage presence.

With this exciting addition, JAPANARIZM is set to elevate their stage presence and charm in 2025. Keep your eyes on these rising stars!

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