Jeff Satur’s ‘Ride or Die’ MV Stars Becky Armstrong

Jeff Satur’s ‘Ride or Die’ MV Stars Becky Armstrong

Jeff Satur, the multitalented artist, has released his latest single, Ride or Die.

This marks his first release of the year and serves as a special gift to fans eagerly awaiting his new music.

To build excitement, Jeff dropped a teaser in early January, showcasing his signature cool, charismatic style. 

The music video (MV) features the stunning actress Becky Armstrong as the lead model, adding a touch of glamour to the production.

Becky Armstrong expressed her excitement on X, praising the MV and song, saying, "Surprise! MV-nya bagus banget, lagunya juga keren banget. Jangan lupa tungguin ya! #RideorDieJeffSatur."

In a playful exchange, Jeff teased Becky about a scene in the MV, claiming she balanced on one leg on a motorbike while sipping hot chocolate. 

Becky responded humorously, "Dari semua kalimat ini, hanya ada satu yang benar."

The sweet banter has heightened fans’ anticipation for the premiere of Ride or Die, which will debut on Jeff Satur’s official YouTube channel.

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