Joy Media Denies Zhang Dada Ordered Staff Intimidation

Joy Media Denies Zhang Dada Ordered Staff Intimidation

Chinese actor Wayne Zhang Dada is facing fresh allegations after a netizen, Huang Maomao, accused him of bullying and intimidation. 

Huang claimed Zhang not only mistreated staff but also sent people to knock on her door at midnight as a form of terror.

Joy Media, Zhang's agency, swiftly responded, confirming that Huang, whose real surname is Tang, was a former director at Zhang’s studio. 

However, they denied claims that Zhang ordered any intimidation. 

Wuyou Media, another company involved, clarified that after the alleged incident, Huang resumed work in Hangzhou before disappearing without a trace.

Concerned for Huang’s safety, the company sought police assistance, ultimately confirming she was safe. 

Regarding the viral video of a mysterious late-night visitor, Joy Media insisted the individual was a colleague looking for Huang after she vanished. 

Joy Media Denies Zhang Dada Ordered Staff Intimidation

They also accused her of exaggeration and misleading claims.

Despite the controversy, Zhang Dada has yet to issue a statement. 

Meanwhile, online debate rages on, with netizens divided over Huang's accusations.

A former staff member told Jiupai Finance that Zhang’s management team has seen frequent resignations due to his alleged harsh working conditions. 

Employees reportedly endure unreasonable demands, late-night shifts, constant insults, and a stressful environment. 

Even Joy Media executives have allegedly quit due to Zhang’s influence.

While Jiupai Finance reached out to Joy Media for clarification on staff turnover, no further response has been provided.

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