Kanaoka Amina Joins Hana Iroha as New Member

Kanaoka Amina Joins Hana Iroha as New Member

Hana Iroha has announced the exciting addition of Kanaoka Amina as their new member. 

A former member of 4864., Awa Koi, and Uryaoi! JAPAN, Amina brings experience and energy to the group. She will make her debut on January 13.

The group shared the news with a heartfelt statement, introducing Amina as the member representing the purple colour. 

Kanaoka Amina expressed her gratitude and determination, saying, "I’m thrilled to join as a new member of Hana Iroha. I’ll do my best to deliver adorable and fun performances!"

Fans are eagerly anticipating her debut and the new energy she will bring to the group’s dynamic. Stay tuned for Amina’s stage debut and future performances!

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