Kaneko Miyu to Make Major Solo Debut with Nippon Columbia

Kaneko Miyu to Make Major Solo Debut with Nippon Columbia

Kaneko Miyu (21), formerly of LinQ, is set to make her major solo debut with Nippon Columbia on 22 January. 

The milestone will be marked by the release of her digital single "Atashi no Heart ni Kousan ne".

Having graduated from LinQ in 2023, Miyu launched her solo career in 2024 and has already released four digital singles. 

Her debut single was crafted in collaboration with producer K4nji, trackmaker ISAFAT, and songwriter Nanako Ashida, with Miyu herself contributing to the lyrics.

"I'm thrilled to debut with Nippon Columbia," Miyu shared. "This song’s powerful lyrics and rhythmic melody bring joy, and I’m eager for fans to experience it."

She also expressed gratitude to her supporters and pledged to continue giving her best. Stay tuned for the official release of the single and Miyu’s promising future as a solo artist.

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