Kannagi Kagura Leaves Kurai Sekai Due to Health Issues

Kannagi Kagura Leaves Kurai Sekai Due to Health Issues

Kurai Sekai revealed that their founding member Kannagi Kagura has officially left the group. 

Kagura, who has been on hiatus since November 2024 to receive treatment for a chronic illness, is unfortunately no longer expected to recover from her condition.

The group’s management shared the news through an official statement, expressing gratitude for the support fans have shown her during her time in Kurai Sekai. 

They also noted that items featuring Kagura on the official online store will be sold only until stocks last.

"Though her time with Kurai Sekai was brief, we are deeply thankful for the love and encouragement she received," the official statement read. 

Fans have expressed an outpouring of support and well-wishes for Kagura during this difficult time.

The group hopes for continued support from fans as they navigate this transition and focus on their future. 

Kurai Sekai’s management concluded by thanking the community for their understanding and ongoing encouragement.

The idol world bids a bittersweet farewell to a beloved member, and Kagura’s health remains the foremost priority.

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