Koko Ichiban and Ariyorino Ari to Graduate from Ponkotsu Konpo

Koko Ichiban and Ariyorino Ari to Graduate from Ponkotsu Konpo

Ponkotsu Konpo announced that members Ariyorino Ari and Koko Ichiban will graduate from the group on 18th February 2025. 

Their farewell performance will take place at VEATS Shibuya.

In an official statement, the group expressed gratitude to fans for their support and revealed that both members made the decision after discussions about their future. 

They thanked the members for their contributions and encouraged fans to continue their support.

Ari Ariyorino stated she decided to graduate after reflecting on her abilities and is grateful for the love and encouragement she’s received. 

She looks forward to exploring new opportunities.

Ichiban Koko shared that, despite the joys and challenges of her time in the group, she felt she couldn’t keep up and decided to step back. 

She’s thankful to fans and promised updates on her future plans through her personal account.

The group asked fans to cherish the remaining time with the members as they prepare to embark on their new journeys.

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