LAPONE Cracks Down on Harassment Towards Its Artists

LAPONE Cracks Down on Harassment Towards Its Artists

LAPONE ENTERTAINMENT has issued a strong warning against ongoing harassment and disruptive behaviour targeting its artists, including JO1, INI, and ME:I. 

The company expressed deep concern over repeated violations despite a previous notice in July 2024 prohibiting such actions.

In latest official statement, LAPONE reiterated that harassment, stalking, and defamation negatively impact both artists and fans. 

They highlighted troubling behaviours such as following artists in public, taking unauthorised photos or videos, and spreading private information online. 

Illegal activities like distributing restricted recordings and paid content without permission were also addressed.

To combat these issues, LAPONE has increased its social media monitoring and strengthened cooperation with law enforcement. 

They urged fans to respect boundaries and ensure a safe environment for everyone. 

Those found violating the rules may face strict legal action.

Fans are encouraged to report any instances of harassment through the official reporting channels. 

LAPONE reassured supporters that they remain committed to protecting their artists and maintaining a positive fandom culture.

For more details or to submit a report, visit:

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