Li Mingde Criticises Ma Tianyu’s On-Set Conduct

Li Mingde Criticises Ma Tianyu’s On-Set Conduct
Li Mingde Sparks Debate on Actor Professionalism

Chinese actor Li Mingde openly criticised fellow actor Ma Tianyu for unprofessional behaviour during filming. 

Appearing at Beijing Airport, Li Mingde accused Ma Tianyu of failing to read scripts, a claim Ma later clarified online.

Mingde claimed Tianyu lagged behind co-stars in script preparation, saying, "Everyone memorised their lines, yet he hadn’t even finished reading." 

Attempts to involve the director were unfruitful, with Li being told to handle it himself.

Ma responded, explaining script delays were due to last-minute rewrites beyond episode 16, adding, "I received the revised scripts late and began reading as soon as possible."

The dispute has sparked widespread debate on professional ethics in the entertainment industry, with netizens divided. 

Some sided with Li Mingde, praising his dedication, while others defended Ma, citing the challenges of unexpected script changes.

Previously, Li Mingde accused his agency, Hesong Media, of financial misconduct and voiced dissatisfaction with treatment during his latest drama, The Triple Echo of Time

Hesong Media denied these allegations, confirming their peaceful contract termination in December 2024.

The controversy continues to shine a spotlight on the struggles actors face behind the scenes.

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