Lil Kansai’s Ruku Toma Leaving STARTO in March

Lil Kansai’s Ruku Toma to Leave STARTO in March

Ruku Toma of Lil Kansai is set to part ways with STARTO Entertainment on 31 March, marking a major shift in his career. 

The agency announced his departure via its official website on 30 January, revealing that the decision was made after extensive discussions between Toma, his group members, and the agency staff. 

Ultimately, they chose to respect his wishes and support his transition into a new chapter.

Toma Ruku joined the agency in 2016 and became a founding member of Lil Kansai in 2019. 

Over the years, he has gained a strong fanbase through his work as an idol and actor. 

His departure signals a fresh direction for both his career and the group’s future.

In its statement, the agency expressed gratitude to fans and industry partners for supporting Toma throughout his journey. 

While his next steps remain undisclosed, speculation is already mounting over what the young talent will pursue next. 

Some believe he may explore acting further, while others wonder if he will continue in the music industry under a different banner.

Fans have taken to social media to share their mixed emotions, expressing sadness at his exit but also encouragement for his next move. 

With his established reputation, many believe that whatever path he chooses, Toma will continue to shine.

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