Lu Han’s TV Ban Rumours Stir Fans’ Reactions

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Lu Han’s TV Ban Rumours Stir Fans’ Reactions

Chinese actor and singer Lu Han has found himself in hot water after an incident during a live broadcast led to public backlash. 

The former EXO member issued an apology through his official studio for flipping his middle finger, a gesture that sparked criticism from netizens. 

His social media accounts have since faced restrictions imposed by the platform.

Speculation has arisen that Lu Han may face a temporary ban from the entertainment industry. 

This follows rumours of his absence from filming the variety show “HAHAHAHAHA,” which some interpreted as punishment.

However, fans confirmed via his management that Lu Han’s absence is voluntary, citing his desire for self-reflection. 

In addition, pre-shot magazine photoshoots have been postponed until after the Spring Festival.

Fans are rallying in support, urging the public to allow Lu Han time to learn from his mistakes and return stronger. 

The situation remains closely watched, highlighting the challenges faced by public figures navigating the consequences of their actions in the digital age.

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