Matsuda Genta Set to Lead New Fuji TV Drama

Matsuda Genta Set to Lead New Fuji TV Drama

Travis Japan's Matsuda Genta (25) is reportedly taking on his first lead role in a prime-time Fuji TV drama this April. 

The drama, set in a corporate environment, is expected to explore the challenges of workplace dynamics. 

Genta Matsuda will share the screen with a former popular idol, sparking excitement among fans.

The talented performer recently updated his Instagram with a dance video featuring his former instructor, Katou. 

Matsuda’s sharp moves delighted followers as he remains active with Travis Japan's nationwide concert tour, spanning 28 performances across eight cities.

Having made his mark in variety shows and supporting roles, this lead role is a significant milestone for Matsuda. 

"His growth as an actor has been remarkable," commented an insider.

Fuji TV has consistently supported Matsuda Genta, previously casting him in dramas like Billion×School

With his rising popularity and knack for endearing audiences, this upcoming role may solidify his status as a household name.

Fans eagerly await further announcements about the drama’s storyline and cast lineup, with Genta’s charm sure to shine on screen.

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