MUSIC AWARDS JAPAN Goes Global via YouTube Live Stream

MUSIC AWARDS JAPAN Goes Global via YouTube Live Stream

It has been officially announced that "MUSIC AWARDS JAPAN," the largest and most prestigious music awards ceremony in the country, will be streamed live on YouTube for a worldwide audience. 

This highly anticipated event will also be broadcast on NHK, ensuring both local and international fans can tune in.

The awards ceremony will take place at the iconic ROHM Theatre in Kyoto over two days, on 21 and 22 May. 

Featuring over 65 award categories, it promises to celebrate the best in Japanese music across various genres and styles.

This marks a significant milestone for the event, as it expands its reach globally, giving fans from every corner of the world the chance to witness the glamour and talent of Japan's vibrant music scene. 

Live performances from renowned artists and heartfelt acceptance speeches are expected to create an unforgettable experience.

With the combination of YouTube streaming and NHK broadcasting, "MUSIC AWARDS JAPAN" sets a new standard for global accessibility, reflecting Japan’s growing influence in the international music industry.

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