Nakai Masahiro Announced Retirement Amid Scandal

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Nakai Masahiro Retires, Bids Farewell to Fans at 52

Nakai Masahiro Retires, Bids Farewell to Fans at 52

Nakai Masahiro (52) has announced his retirement from the entertainment industry via his fan club's official website. 

The beloved entertainer expressed his gratitude and apologised for the abrupt farewell, stating, "I’m sorry for this kind of goodbye. Farewell..." 

His company, Nonbiri Nakai Co., Ltd., will also cease operations once remaining procedures are completed.

Nakai Masahiro explained that the decision was finalised after completing discussions with television stations, sponsors, and other stakeholders. 

He acknowledged the disruption caused by his departure, saying, "I take full responsibility and deeply apologise to everyone affected."

The announcement comes after his regular programmes on TV and radio were discontinued, including "Nakai Masahiro no Doyoubi na Kai" and "Darekato Nakai." 

Fans and colleagues alike are mourning the loss of one of Japan’s most iconic talents, whose career spanned decades.

In a heartfelt message to his fans, he shared, "To everyone I could not meet... I’m truly sorry for this farewell." As Nakai exits the limelight, his legacy will remain a cherished part of Japan's entertainment history.

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