NGT48 Unveils 11 New 5th Generation Members

NGT48’s 5th Gen Members Announced, Debut Set

NGT48 has announced its 5th generation members, comprising 11 talented girls selected from a pool of 19,000 applicants. 

The chosen members are:

  • Adachi Yume (17), from Niigata
  • Azama Yui (13), Hyogo
  • Kai Mizuki (16), Ibaraki
  • Kitazawa Mone (16), Nagano
  • Minagawa Hiyori (14), Niigata
  • Nakata Asami (18), Nagano
  • Omachi Yuuka (18), Nagano
  • Sato Yuka (16), Tokyo
  • Suto Rinka (13), Gunma
  • Taniguchi Haruka (18), Toyama
  • Tsujita Tokine (17), Kyoto

Their debut performance is set for February 2025 at the NGT48 theatre. 

Members expressed heartfelt gratitude for the warm reception and support from fans.

Trainees in the 48 Group typically aim for promotion to official teams, with timelines depending on individual progress and dedication. 

Fans are eagerly anticipating this new generation’s journey as they step into the spotlight, carrying NGT48's legacy forward.

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