Nippon-Ham’s Gunji Yuya Marries Older Non-Celebrity

Nippon-Ham’s Gunji Yuya Marries Older Non-Celebrity

Nippon-Ham Fighters' catcher Gunji Yuya (27), known as one of the team's best clutch hitters, revealed on the 22nd that he has married an older, non-celebrity woman. Fans wondering who is his wife could be.

Heading into his sixth professional season, Gunji expressed his happiness, saying, "We share a lot in common, and I feel at ease with her. She’s a truly talented person."

Their love story began at a dinner party hosted by a mutual friend. 

Although initially nervous, Yuya Gunji eventually won her heart despite her initial disinterest in baseball players. 

He recalled, "She even turned down my first dinner invitation, but my persistence paid off."

Gunji praised his wife’s unique perspective and sense of intuition, adding, “She likes being different, just like me.” 

A portrait drawn by his wife was also shared, symbolising their close bond. Gunji is now excited to continue his baseball journey with the support of his loving partner by his side.

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