Omasa Aya Pregnant, Toru to Become a Dad

Omasa Aya Expecting First Child with Toru

Omasa Aya Expecting First Child with Yamashita Toru.

Japanese actress Omasa Aya (33) has announced her pregnancy with her first child. 

She shared the happy news on her Instagram on 9th January, revealing that she has entered the stable period of her pregnancy and both mother and baby are in good health.

Married to ONE OK ROCK's guitarist Yamashita Toru since December 2021, Aya Omasa expressed her gratitude towards her supporters. 

"There are many uncertainties as this is my first time, but I hope to navigate each day with appreciation for those who support me," she wrote.

She reassured fans that she plans to continue her work within her capacity and thanked everyone for their warm encouragement. 

Omasa Aya concluded her post by seeking continued support and wishing for a great year in 2025.

The couple, who tied the knot on 28th December 2021, have shared a journey filled with love and mutual support. Fans of both Omasa Aya and Toru are overjoyed by the news, eagerly awaiting updates on their growing family.

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