PinkFantasy’s Harin Suspends Activities for Studies

PinkFantasy’s Harin Suspends Activities for Studies

Harin, a member of I:Z, the project unit of PinkFantasy, has decided to pause her entertainment activities under Playmaker E&M. 

The announcement came after discussions between Harin and the company, aiming to allow her to focus on her academic pursuits.

Harin has been a key member of I:Z and PinkFantasy, a group known for its unique themes and captivating performances. 

PinkFantasy debuted in 2018, and the I:Z unit showcases individual member talents through specialised projects. 

Harin has been admired for her versatility and charm, making this news significant for fans.

Playmaker E&M expressed support for Harin’s decision, encouraging fans to wish her well as she prioritises her studies. 

While her return to the entertainment industry remains uncertain, Harin’s fans are hopeful she will come back stronger than ever.

This pause signifies Harin’s commitment to self-improvement, showing her dedication both as an artist and a student. Let’s cheer her on in this new chapter of her journey!

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