Popcorn Puck!sh Disbands: Member Anzu Retires

Popcorn Puck!sh to Conclude Activities in February 2025

Popcorn Puck!sh to Conclude Activities in February 2025

Popcorn Puck!sh, the idol group formed in April 2022 as Jiyuuu Jikan, will end its activities on 16 February 2025, during their "Popcorn Party Time vol.8: Popcorn Finish" event. 

Member Anzu will retire from the entertainment industry, marking the end of an era for fans.

The group underwent several transformations, including a name change to "timeleaaap" in 2022, before rebranding as Popcorn Puck!sh under Pcycle in 2024. 

Known for their motto "Every day is fun with you," they have been a bright spot in the idol world.

Two members, Shion and Aiko, will remain with the agency to prepare for future projects, while Anzu departs entirely. 

Their entire music catalogue will be available for streaming in February, allowing fans to cherish their legacy.

It appears that Popcorn Puck!sh is disbanding. Their official statement confirms that their activities will conclude on 16 February 2025 with their final event, "Popcorn Party Time vol.8: Popcorn Finish."

The wording, such as "closing the popcorn shop" and member Anzu retiring from the entertainment industry, strongly indicates the group's dissolution rather than a hiatus. 

The fact that some members will remain with the agency for future projects suggests they may pursue individual careers or other opportunities, but Popcorn Puck!sh as a group will no longer continue.

The group expressed gratitude to fans, stating, "We hope our performances brought joy and strength to your days." Further updates on members' activities will follow.

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