Sakurazaka46 Koike Minami Announced Graduation

Koike Minami to Graduate from Sakurazaka46

Koike Minami to Graduate from Sakurazaka46

Sakurazaka46 member Koike Minami has announced her graduation from the group through her blog today. 

Her final activity will be tied to the group’s upcoming 11th single, UDAGAWA GENERATION

A member of the 1st Generation, Minami Koike joined Keyakizaka46 in 2015, transitioned to Sakurazaka46 in 2020, and has been an integral part of their history.

Miichan expressed heartfelt gratitude to her fans for their unwavering support and cherished memories. 

She shared that the decision to graduate was challenging and had been on her mind for months. 

She hopes to give her best during her remaining time with the group.

Graduations are a common occurrence in the Sakamichi Series, often marking members’ transitions to new challenges or retirement from the entertainment industry. 

Fans are curious about whether Koike Minami will have a graduation concert, though such events are usually reserved for senior members.

Koike has participated in numerous A-sides, including Nobody’s fault and Start over!, leaving behind a legacy of dedication and passion. Fans are encouraged to support her as she moves forward into the next chapter of her life.

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