Sayumi Michishige Announces Retirement from Entertainment

Sayumi Michishige Announces Retirement from Entertainment

Sayumi Michishige, beloved idol and former Morning Musume member, has revealed she will retire from the entertainment industry in August. 

Citing health concerns, the announcement comes as she marks 22 years in showbiz.

In an emotional message, Michishige Sayumi reflected on her journey, from debuting in 2003 as part of Morning Musume's sixth generation to her solo career following her 2014 graduation. 

She expressed gratitude to fans who supported her through highs and lows.

"Performing live has always been my happiest moment," she shared. 

However, a diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder in late 2023 highlighted challenges she's faced offstage, leading her to limit activities in recent years. 

Despite treatment, continuing her career became increasingly difficult.

Michishige Sayumi plans to conclude her career with a concert tour this summer. 

She hopes to spend the remaining months cherishing moments with her fans, who she says have been her driving force.

You can read her thoughts here on her blog. And here is translated version by UpFrontLink: 

Sayumi Michishige Announces Retirement from Entertainment

Her farewell marks the end of an era, leaving an indelible legacy in J-Pop. Fans worldwide are expressing support and admiration for her decision, wishing her peace and happiness in this new chapter.

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