SKE48 Suzuki Sara announced graduation

SKE48 Suzuki Sara announced graduation

SKE48 Team KII member Suzuki Sara announced her graduation during a live SHOWROOM broadcast.

She revealed she would be leaving the group on 28 February 2025, marking the end of her journey with SKE48. 

Notably, there will be no graduation performance, although she plans to participate in all special events leading up to her departure.

Sara Suzuki, the first member of SKE48's 12th Generation to be promoted, shared that this decision had been months in the making. 

While it was a challenging choice, she expressed her gratitude to fans for their unwavering support and cherished memories.

Graduations are a common milestone in the 48 Group, with members pursuing new challenges or stepping back from the entertainment world. 

Fans were curious about the lack of a graduation concert, as such events are typically reserved for senior members.

Saatan joined SKE48 as a Kenkyuusei in October 2023 and was promoted to Team KII in May 2024. 

She participated in the B-sides "Beautiful (Ai no Hologram)" and "Koi no Tetsugakusha" and cited the music video for "Kokoro ni Flower" as her inspiration to join the group.

As her time with SKE48 nears its end, Suzuki Sara is committed to making the most of her remaining days with the group, promising to give her best until her final stage. Fans are encouraged to support her as she prepares for the next chapter of her life.

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