SNH48 Reveals 2024 MVP Star Dream TOP16 Line-Up

SNH48 Reveals 2024 MVP Star Dream TOP16 Line-Up

SNH48 has announced the highly anticipated TOP16 MVP STAR DREAM THEATER members for 2024. 

This annual tradition highlights top performers, who will go on to star in the group’s Spring Single. 

The centre position is claimed by Xu Yangyuzhuo from Team HII, followed by Duan Yixuan (Team SII) and Hong Jingwen (Team NIII).

Other members include Zhang Xin, Zhang Qiongyu, and Song Xinran. 

The line-up also features standout talents like Luo Hanyue, Zhu Yixin, and Bai Xinyu. 

Full Rank: 

1. Xu Yangyuzhuo Team HII (CENTER) 

2. Duan Yixuan Team SII

3. Hong Jingwen Team NIII

4. Zhang Xin Team HII/NIII

5. Zhang Qiongyu Team G

6. Song Xinran Team X

7. Luo Hanyue Team G

8. Zhu Yixin Team Z/NII

9. Bai Xinyu Team NII

10. Tang Lijia Team NIII

11. Chen Zhenzhen Team B/HII

12. Xu Chuwen Team Z

13. Zhou Shiyu Team NII

14. Zhu Hongrong Team E

15. Ye Shuqi Team Z

16. Tan Sihui Team CII

Each member represents excellence across SNH48GROUP, including GNZ48, BEJ48, and other sister groups.

The Spring Single will include a beach-themed music video, capturing the vibrant energy of the season. 

Members who announce graduation before the single's release will receive tailored options to participate.

This announcement sparks excitement among fans, eager to see the TOP16 showcase their talents in this annual spectacle.

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