STARTO CEO Fukuda Atsushi’s Affair Sparks Outrage

STARTO CEO Fukuda Atsushi’s Affair Sparks Outrage

STARTO CEO Fukuda Atsushi’s Affair Sparks Outrage

Fukuda Atsushi, the 59-year-old CEO of STARTO Entertainment, has found himself at the centre of a scandal after being spotted engaging in public displays of affection with a woman in her 30s. 

The pair were seen kissing outside Haneda Airport before dining at a luxury sushi restaurant.

Fukuda Atsushi’s Affair Draws Criticism

Sources revealed that Fukuda and the woman have been friends for several years and began dating in December 2023. 

They also took a week-long trip to Hawaii during the same period.

Scandal Hits STARTO CEO Fukuda Atsushi

Atsushi Fukuda admitted their relationship, stating, "We’ve been in a serious relationship since December." 

Regarding his wife, he confirmed they had been estranged for over a decade, with divorce mediation concluded. However, no formal paperwork has been filed.

The revelations have caused an uproar, given Fukuda's high-profile role in managing STARTO Entertainment, a company established after the Johnny & Associates controversy.

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