Takayanagi Akane 3rd Photobook Details Unveiled

Takayanagi Akane 3rd Photobook Details Unveiled

Churi's Boldest Look Yet: 15th Debut Anniversary with 3rd Photobook

Japanese actress and former SKE48/NMB48 idol Akane Takayanagi aka Churi is celebrating her 15th debut anniversary with her third photobook, set to release on 15 March. 

The book, produced by Avex Management Agency, showcases her most daring side yet, including her first lingerie shots, reflecting her evolution since her idol days.

The photobook takes fans on an intimate journey through Taiwan, from Taipei’s bustling streets to the serene beaches of Tainan. 

Known for her decision to avoid alcohol during her idol years, Takayanagi’s matured persona shines as she enjoys a sophisticated bar setting.

At 128 pages, this is her most extensive work, capturing her playful innocence alongside an alluring adult charm. 

Fans will also find an in-depth interview reflecting on her 15 years in the spotlight. 

Photobook events are set for 29 March in Tokyo, 30 March in Nagoya, and 13 April in Osaka.

For J-Pop idols like Takayanagi Akane, releasing a photobook is a milestone. 

Agencies carefully gauge public and fan enthusiasm to ensure sales success, making this an achievement that underscores her lasting popularity.

Takayanagi Akane expressed joy, calling the photobook a "surprise present" and describing it as a gift for fans. 

"I hope this will make everyone say, ‘This is amazing!’" she remarked. With unique moments captured in Taiwan, she invites fans to experience her vibrant journey.

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