This is Why Yamaguchi Mayu Leaves Agency Flamme

Actress Yamaguchi Mayu Leaves Agency Flamme

Actress Yamaguchi Mayu Leaves Agency Flamme

On January 21, actress Yamaguchi Mayu announced via Instagram that she had parted ways with her agency, Flamme, after nearly 11 years of collaboration. 

Yamaguchi expressed heartfelt gratitude towards the agency, stating, "Since I joined at the age of 13, they have supported me through everything and taught me so much, from acting to personal growth. They were like family."

Reflecting on her journey, Yamaguchi added, "I am deeply thankful to Flamme’s representative, Inoue, the talented employees, and all my managers who guided me." 

She also extended her appreciation to her fans for their unwavering support, promising to continue honing her craft as an actress.

Known for her roles in dramas like Hakozume (2021) and The Count to the Future (2022), Mayu Yamaguchi has built a reputation for her diverse acting skills.

She recently appeared in Blue Moment (2024) and is part of the current drama Icy – Instant Memory Investigation on Fuji TV.

As she embarks on this new chapter, Yamaguchi remains determined to grow further, stating, "I hope you will continue to support me. Thank you."

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