UNLAME Suzuka to Join Peel The Apple After Disbandment

UNLAME Suzuka to Join Peel The Apple After Disbandment

UNLAME member, Suzuka has made a surprising announcement that after UNLAME's final concert on January 10th, she will officially join the idol group “Peel The Apple” as a new member. 

Her re-debut is set for January 24th during the group’s highly anticipated concert.

UNLAME, known for their dynamic performances and unique musical style, recently confirmed their decision to disband. 

The group’s official disbandment will take place on January 10th, 2025, marking the end of their journey in the idol scene.

Suzuka expressed her gratitude towards her fans and shared her excitement about the new chapter. 

“I’m looking forward to this fresh start and hope to make everyone proud,” she commented during the announcement.

Fans have mixed emotions about UNLAME’s disbandment but are eager to see Suzuka’s new journey unfold. 

Peel The Apple also welcomed Suzuka with open arms, stating their enthusiasm for her contributions to the group.

As the idol world watches closely, January promises to be a month of emotional goodbyes and thrilling beginnings

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