Win Metawin to Attend Prada Fashion Show in Milan

Win Metawin to Attend Prada Fashion Show in Milan

Thai actor Win Metawin is ready to turn heads as he prepares to attend the prestigious Prada Fall Winter 2025 Menswear Fashion Show in Milan, Italy, during Milan Fashion Week. 

As a Brand Ambassador for the iconic fashion house, Win will showcase his charisma and style once again. 

Win Metawin to Attend Prada Fashion Show in Milan

His scheduled appearance is set for January 19, 2025, at the Fondazione Prada, with the show commencing at 14:00 Milan time (20:00 Thai time).

With his rising popularity, Win Metawin has become a sought-after figure in the fashion world, and brands like Prada continue to invite him to high-profile events. 

Win Metawin to Attend Prada Fashion Show in Milan

This time, fans are eager to see whether he’ll flaunt a bold, edgy look or opt for a more refined, sophisticated gentleman's style.

In addition to attending the show, Win’s fans can catch the action live through LINE: @Prada_th. Stay tuned for the star's fashionable moment in Milan!

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