Yagi Shiori to Graduate from Tsubaki Factory

Yagi Shiori to Graduate from Tsubaki Factory

Tsukibayashi's Yagi Shiori to Graduate This April

Yagi Shiori, a beloved member of Tsubaki Factory, will bid farewell to the group and Hello! Project on 30 April 2025. 

The graduation will take place during Tsubaki Factory's 10th Anniversary Concert at Nippon Budokan.

Since joining the group in 2021, Shiori Yagi has spent three-and-a-half years building her career as an idol. 

She expressed her gratitude to fans, staff, and fellow members for their unwavering support throughout her journey. 

Yagi noted that her time with the group was full of challenges, joy, and meaningful experiences.

Her decision to graduate stems from her lifelong ambition to pursue a career as a musical actress. 

After careful thought, she chose the group's milestone 10th Anniversary as the perfect moment to move forward. 

Yagi Shiori shared her belief in the importance of effort, timing, and opportunity in achieving success, emphasising that she doesn’t want to miss future chances to fulfil her dreams.

Yagi remains committed to giving her best until the very end, promising fans a memorable final few months with Tsubaki Factory. 

While she feels bittersweet about leaving her beloved members and fans, she looks forward to new challenges in the world of musical theatre.

Tsubaki Factory’s agency, Up-Front Promotion, has also extended their gratitude to fans for their continued support and promised to back Yagi in her new endeavours. 

Fans are encouraged to cherish her final performances as part of the group.

With only three months left, Yagi plans to enjoy every moment with her group and is determined to leave with no regrets. Fans worldwide have been showing their support, ensuring her journey is celebrated until the last step.

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