Yoshizawa Ryo Apologises for Trespassing Scandal

Yoshizawa Ryo Apologises for Trespassing Scandal

Actor Yoshizawa Ryo released a heartfelt apology today after trespassing into his neighbour’s apartment while drunk. 

Acknowledging his actions, Yoshizawa Ryo admitted that his conceit, especially regarding drinking, contributed to the incident. 

He vowed to reflect deeply, act more prudently, and work on his maturity.

The actor expressed regret for betraying public expectations, saying this episode serves as a painful reminder of his immaturity. 

His agency, Amuse, confirmed that a settlement was reached with the neighbour, who graciously forgave Yoshizawa Ryo.

Amuse also addressed claims accusing the neighbour of overreacting, emphasising their right to involve the police upon finding a stranger in their home. 

At the time, the neighbour neither recognised Ryo Yoshizawa nor knew he lived nearby.

Ryo Yoshizawa's future work remains uncertain as discussions continue with relevant parties. 

Amuse urged the media to avoid disturbing other residents by gathering near the apartment complex. 

Ryo promised to regain public trust through hard work and reflection.

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