Yoshizawa Ryo Investigated for Trespassing

Actor Yoshizawa Ryo Investigated for Trespassing

Tokyo Metropolitan Police are investigating actor Yoshizawa Ryo (30) for allegedly entering a neighbouring apartment without permission while intoxicated. 

The incident occurred at around 10:30 a.m. on 30 December. According to police sources, Yoshizawa Ryo had been drinking with friends since the night before and appeared heavily intoxicated.

The resident of the apartment reportedly called 110 upon discovering Ryo Yoshizawa inside their home. 

When questioned by the authorities, Yoshizawa stated he had no recollection of the incident, adding, "I think I just wanted to use the toilet and went in without permission."

The police are investigating the case as a possible trespassing violation. 

Once sufficient evidence is gathered, Yoshizawa is expected to be referred to prosecutors. 

The incident has raised public concern, as the actor is well-known for his roles in films and TV dramas.

Yoshizawa Ryo has not yet made any official statement regarding the incident. 

His management is expected to address the matter soon. Fans and media alike are awaiting further updates as the investigation unfolds.

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