Yu Cheng En Clashes with Stalker to Defends His Privacy

Yu Cheng En in Conflict with Stalker in Shanghai

Yu Cheng En, a 26-year-old Chinese actor known for his rise to fame after competing in Produce Camp 2019, in a Viral Video recently found himself at the centre of an emotional conflict involving a stalker. (Video: Yu Cheng En Clashes with Fans)

The incident occurred in Shanghai, where Cheng En, wearing a mask and cap to avoid recognition, was recognised by a persistent fan. 

Ignoring his repeated requests to stop filming, the fan continued recording, prompting the actor to snatch the fan's phone in frustration. 

The altercation was brief, with his bodyguards stepping in to calm the situation.

A statement from Cheng En's fan club condemned the stalker's actions, revealing that the fan had illegally accessed the actor's schedule. 

While many fans empathised with Cheng En, understanding the pressure of constant surveillance, some netizens criticised his reaction.

As the video circulates online, debates rage about privacy for public figures. 

Fans argue that respect for personal boundaries is crucial, while others point out that such invasions come with fame. 

Despite the controversy, Cheng En remains focused on his upcoming projects, proving that his dedication to his craft continues undeterred.

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