Zhao Lusi Opens Up About Depression and Recovery

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Zhao Lusi Opens Up About Depression and Recovery

Chinese actress Zhao Lusi recently shared her battle with depression on social media, revealing the challenges she faced and her journey to recovery.

In her heartfelt post, Zhao Lusi encouraged people to be more aware of mental health issues. 

She admitted that dealing with depression was a long and difficult process, but she learned that the key was not about when one recovers but how much effort they put into healing.

She initially struggled with fear and uncertainty but eventually turned to psychology books and discussions with friends who faced similar challenges. 

This helped her realise the importance of generating endorphins and stimulating serotonin.

To lift her mood, Zhao Lusi relied on sweet foods to trigger serotonin, which gave her short-term happiness. 

However, she also worked on long-term solutions to maintain stable joy and well-being. 

Over time, she stopped experiencing negative emotions and became more open to receiving proper treatment.

Her recovery journey also allowed her to fulfil a decade-long dream—changing her hair colour. 

She shared her happiness with fans, showing that she was in a much better place mentally.

Zhao Lusi Opens Up About Depression and Recovery

Despite her openness, some accused her of seeking attention and using mental health awareness for publicity. 

Zhao Lusi responded calmly, saying that even if her message reached just one person, it was meaningful.

She explained that sharing her story helped raise awareness and encouraged people to prioritise their mental health. 

“Promotion can fulfil needs, but it can also create them. My recovery took time, and my story made people care more about mental health. That is the meaning of positive promotion,” she wrote.

Her post quickly gained widespread support from fans and netizens. 

Many praised her for speaking out about mental health, a topic that is still often seen as taboo in society.

By bravely sharing her experience, Zhao Lusi not only highlighted the struggles of depression but also provided hope and encouragement for those going through similar challenges.

Her journey serves as a reminder that healing is possible and that mental health discussions should be normalised.

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