Zhao Lusi Reveals Shocking Struggles with Health

Zhao Lusi Opens Up About Her Struggles with Illness

Zhao Lusi made a striking return to the public eye on 25 January at a promotional event in Chengdu. 

This marked her first appearance since her recent hospitalisation, and she opened up about her struggles with aphasia, paralysis, and depression.

Smiling and appearing healthy, Zhao revealed the severe challenges she had faced. 

Initially, the beverage brand had planned to extend her recovery time until after Lunar New Year, prioritising her health. 

However, Zhao insisted on attending the event to reassure fans before the holiday. "I wanted everyone to know I’m okay," she said, as reported by Sohu Entertainment.

What shocked fans was her admission of suffering from symptoms of paralysis and aphasia, both caused by dissociative disorder and anxiety. 

Zhao Lusi Reveals Shocking Struggles with Health

She shared that ignoring her long-term depression had worsened her condition last year. 

A friend's Weibo post first hinted at her illness, followed by Zhao sharing her medical diagnosis with fans.

The event, postponed from 5 January due to her health, received praise for the brand’s understanding in not seeking compensation. 

Netizens also admired Zhao’s courage. Comments included, "Zhao Lusi is so strong to face life with a smile" and "The brand is incredibly humane."

Zhao Lusi reminded everyone about the value of health, saying, "Without health, everything is just empty talk." 

Her journey highlights the importance of recognising mental health struggles before they manifest physically.

Fans continue to cheer for her recovery and future success. Her resilience sends a powerful message to cherish health and seek help when needed.

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