Zhu Ling & Kong Kexin Announced Graduation from AKB48 Team SH

AKB48 Team SH members Zhu Ling and Kong Kexin announced graduation.

AKB48 Team SH has announced the graduation of two prominent members, Zhu Ling and Kong Kexin, marking the end of their journeys with the group.

Zhu Ling, a 1st Generation member since 2018, faced turbulence in her final months. 

Following a rebellion against management, she refused to participate in events unless requested. 

Bound by contractual obligations, she initially couldn't leave on her terms. 

However, the company eventually allowed her an amicable departure. 

Zhu Ling’s illustrious career included ranking in the Kami 7 for three consecutive Senbatsu Elections and a dramatic return to the group in September 2024 after an earlier graduation in May.

Kong Kexin, a 2nd Generation member since 2019, also bids farewell. 

Promoted to a full member in 2020, Kong participated actively in Senbatsu Elections, securing spots in the Top 15. 

Her dedication and consistent performances made her a fan favourite.

Fans expressed mixed emotions over the departures, with many celebrating the achievements of Zhu Ling and Kong Kexin while lamenting their absence. Both members leave legacies that will resonate within AKB48 Team SH for years to come.

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