AKB48 65th Single "Masaka no Confession" Details

AKB48 65th Single "Masaka no Confessions" Details

AKB48's 65th Single Masaka no Confession Celebrates 20th Anniversary

AKB48 has officially announced their 65th single "まさかのConfession (Masaka no Confession)", scheduled for release on 2 April 2025. This single will commemorate the group's remarkable 20-year journey in the idol industry.

Yagi Azuki, a kenkyuusei (trainee) from the 18th generation, will serve as the centre—making history as the first trainee to lead an AKB48 single. 

The senbatsu members are a mix of regulars and rising stars, including:

Regular Members
Murayama Yuiri, Mukaichi Mion, Oguri Yui, Kuranoo Narumi, Sakagawa Hiyuka, Chiba Erii, Yamauchi Mizuki, Omori Maho, Sato Airi, Hirata Yuki, Mizushima Miyu, and Yamazaki Sora.

Kenkyuusei Members
Yagi Azuki (C), Akiyama Yuna, Ito Momoka, and Hanada Mei.

This single features several firsts, including Sakagawa Hiyuka, Ito Momoka, and Hanada Mei's debut in senbatsu. 

It is also the first senbatsu with an 18th-gen centre and includes members from the 19th generation. 

Additionally, it marks the final senbatsu appearance for long-standing member Murayama Yuiri.

This single features Mukaichi Mion as a member with the most senbatsu appearances, totalling 24 times. Previously, the record was held by Kashiwagi Yuki, with 53 appearances.

AKB48 65th Single "Masaka no Confession"

Center : Yagi Azuki

Produser: Akimoto Yasushi

Author: Akimoto Yasushi

Arranger: Yuki Utamaru

Composer: Kyohei Tsutsumi

AKB48 65th Single "Masaka no Confession" CD Cover & Tracklist:

AKB48 65th Single "Masaka no Confession" CD Cover & Tracklist


M-1. Masaka no Confession (Senbatsu, Yagi Azuki Center)

M-2. Sakura no Hanabiratachi 2025 (All members)

M-3A. Yuiri (Murayama Yuiri Graduation Song)

M-4B. Harewataru (18th Generation Kenkyuusei, Akiyama Yuna Center)

M-5C. Skipping Stone (19th & 20th Generation Kenkyuusei, Hanada Mei Center)

M-6R/OS. Time Machine Fuyoron (Universe Girls, Shitao Miu Center)

AKB48 to release 'Koko Kara Da' Stage on Blu-ray, with songs on TYPE-A, TYPE-B and TYPE-C.

Type-A: M-0 to M-4

Type-B: M-5 to M-10

Type-C: M-11 to M-16

Fans are eagerly awaiting this historic release, which promises to celebrate AKB48's legacy while embracing its bright future.

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